Collect the scoresheets from the club house and range on a regular basis.
Check the scoresheets have been filled in correctly with full name, age group and bow type and they have been signed by the archer and target captain.
Return incomplete forms to the archer.
Enter the scores with the help of data input members into the records software.
Check the system is correctly recording club and open records and updating handicaps.
Recalculate members handicaps at start of calendar year.
Give a report at the committee meetings of any scores or records worthy of note including new club records, six gold end claims FITA stars or Rose awards.
Ensure new members can access to record system and enter their scores correctly.
Founded in 1953, our club is on the the western edge of Greater Manchester, very close to the M60/M62 junction 11. We are affiliated to the Lancashire Archery Association (LAA), the Northern Counties Archery Society (NCAS) and Archery GB (previously know as The Grand National Archery Society, GNAS).
Copyright Eccles Archery Club Ltd. All rights reserved.